Publication: Halkla İlişkiler Uygulamalarında Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk ve Sponsorluk Yaklaşımları...
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Gürel, Tuğçe
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Yayınları
Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk; günümüzde birçok işletmenin öncelikli iş planları arasında yerini almıştır. Tarihçesi incelendiğinde çok da eskilere dayanmayan uygulamalarıyla sosyal sorumluluk, belki de bu nedenden dolayı, hayır işlemek ve ‘’ hayırseverlik’’ ile halkla ilişkiler uygulamalarındaki önemli konumuyla ‘’ sponsorluk ‘’ ile karıştırılmaktadır. Kavramsal olarak sosyal sorumluluğun açıklanacağı bu araştırmada aynı zamanda hayırseverlik ve sponsorluk ile benzer ve farklı taraflarının da ortaya konması planlanmaktadır.
Corporate sosial responsibility has recently taken is several company’s priority business plans. When investigated historically, social responsibility with is applications that do not depend on ancient history, probably because of this reason, in understood as sponsorship that has a very important position on public relation applicationsor charity. While conception of social responsibility is explained in this study, similar and different sides of social responsibility from charity or sponsorship is planned to be analyzed.
Corporate sosial responsibility has recently taken is several company’s priority business plans. When investigated historically, social responsibility with is applications that do not depend on ancient history, probably because of this reason, in understood as sponsorship that has a very important position on public relation applicationsor charity. While conception of social responsibility is explained in this study, similar and different sides of social responsibility from charity or sponsorship is planned to be analyzed.
Halkla İlişkiler, Sosyal Sorumluluk, Sponsorluk, Hayırseverlik, Public Relations, Social Responsibility, Charity